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Some useful commands

When a pupil is using a trackerball or a mouse, sometimes it is easier to keyboard shortcuts rather than take their hand off the keyboard, find the mouse/trackerball and then return to the keyboard.

To Open a Programme 

Windows symbol button (Windows logo key), p, enter will open the list of all the programs
Use arrow keys to move through the list of programs and press enter when the programme you want is highlighted.


Control (Ctrl) followed by the letter will open various function
Ctrl o  – open the window with the list of documents
Ctrl pprint the document
Ctrl ssave a document
Ctrl n – opens a new document
Ctrl l – close the document
Ctrl x – close the programme

For more key tips

To close down the computer

Windows button (Windows logo key), u, enter will close down the computer

There are many more of these and you can build them up by looking for the letter underlined in the menu bar as in opening a new document, New, the ‘n’ is underlined so Ctrl n opens a new document. This is worth exploring as it is easier to use for some pupils.